Tools 4 Solid Surface :: Cookies and Shopping

Cookies and Shopping

Cookies and Shopping

We use session cookies to enable shopping (adding to the cart) on our site. A session cookie is a small file placed on your computer which acts as a unique identifier to keep track of the items in your online shopping cart. Without the session cookie, our site cannot identify the items you are purchasing, and you will be unable to complete your purchase.

A session cookie does not remain on your machine after you close your web browser window. Our session cookie contains none of your personal information, and cannot be used to track you around the web - it can only be used by our web site to identify the items in your cart during the purchase process.

Our session cookie is only required for shopping; you can browse our online inventory and check prices without having session cookies enabled.

Your web browser is the primary way you can control cookies. The method for changing your cookie settings will vary depending on the browser you use, but options should be similar regardless of your browser choice.

Internet Explorer

If you are using IE 6, your cookies will be automatically controlled based on your privacy settings. If you would like to over-ride automatic cookie control, choose Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Advanced. From this panel you can choose to over-ride automatic cookie handling, and specify how you would like to deal with First Party and Third Party cookies. First party cookies come from the owner of the website you are visiting, third party cookies come from a different company (for instance, and advertising company). You can select "Accept", "Block", or "Prompt" - if you choose "Prompt", your browser will notify you each time a web site attempts to set a cookie on your machine, and you can choose to accept or reject the cookie. If you would like to accept session cookies, but not persistent cookies, check the box to "Always Allow Session Cookies." Please note that session cookies are required to enable shopping on many web sites.

Other Web Browsers

Other web browsers provide similar options; if you are using Netscape 7, cookie options can be found at Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy and Security -> Cookies. In Mozilla Firefox, cookie options are available at Options -> Privacy -> Cookies, and in Opera 7 cookie preferences are available in File -> Preferences -> Privacy.